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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Atlin, Spirits and Demons Table of Contents to this Topic |
Every single thing that exists is made of Mind. Because there only is Mind taking on different forms and functions whether it be a gas like air, a hunk of metal, a planet or star or "living" body. When we study Mind we study everything that is from its CAUSE and not from its (mis)perception. This being so anything, anywhere constitutes an ideal habitat for any consciousness. The question(s) is What do you wish to create? Why? What is your intent in doing so? For service to self or others? Idle curiosity? The mind of individuals or humanity as a whole can create anything it wishes - without restriction. How does one wish to employ that divine power? For many years I too believed in entities, spirits or disembodied consciousness. Now, having explored this realm without emotional or religious superstition, I'm thinking there are focalized consciousnesses but not demons and all the other bugaboo nastiness people dream up but cannot interpret for lack of studied knowledge. For us to deliberately and rationally deal in these subject areas all preconceived notions MUST be set aside and the subject matter studied at arm's length and without fear. For instance I like Cayce because he has a good track record, well documented and relatively free of superstition or misinterpretations by "experts" whether preachers, priests, rabbis and the like; i.e., when the readings themselves (his own words) are studied with a clear eye and mind. If Cayce is correct in the 2nd quote below it offers unlimited potential for knowledge and benefit. If he is correct there are undeveloped consciousnesses as well as developed consciousnesses who may be communicated with. Which do you wish to deal with? It's a simple matter of awareness and choice - not knee-jerk reactionary (fear) based responses seen so often surrounding this topic. During the Atlin project we contacted numerous yet all highly developed consciousnesses as detailed in my book; Einstein, Keely, Russell, Edison, Tesla, Goethe, Jesus, God, Mother Mary, Fibonacci to name a few. We got solid and reliable information filled with love and beneficial intent. Some years later during a messaging session we experienced a not-so developed consciousness intent on misleading. Recognizing the situation early on we terminated it and retain that experience as a learning step. Be peace, loving and intentful in our hearts and minds and this experience cannot, does not happen. Life and its experience is a choice based in awareness and understanding. A loving mind-set creates loving experiences. A fear-filled mind-set creates nasty experiences. It's a choice what thoughts one holds in their mind. Perhaps, maybe, demons do exist. I don't really know. We've learned that each attracts that which they think about. Make a choice as to what you wish to experience (think about) and have at it. "Spirit being its portion of the Creator, its soul that of its entity itself, making itself individual, separate entity, that may be one WITH the Creative Force from which it comes - or which it is, of which it is made up, in its atomic forces, or in its very essence itself." Cayce (364-10) (Q) Is it possible for this body, Edgar Cayce, in this state to communicate with anyone who has passed into the spirit world? (A) The spirit of all that have passed from the physical plane remain about the plane until their development carry them onward or are returned for their development here. When they are in the plane of communication or remain within this sphere, any may be communicated with. There are thousands about us here at present. Cayce (3744-1) "Spirit is life, whether related to the physical functioning of the atomic forces within the system or whether that of the mental being of a body, and these must coordinate in the proper direction one with another, just as much as it is necessary for a physical functioning organ to coordinate with the rest of the system." Cayce (2537-1) As you know this topic is a tough one to engage in. I admit I have been avoiding it. We don't know enough. There are so many preconceived notions, most seemingly wrong. And there is raw fear promoted and enhanced by TV, movies and those with agendas of control and manipulation. As lay scientists, sincerely looking for clearer understandings, we must be neutral, objective, courageous, inquisitive and relentless in our research. Catering to none and acquiescing to nothing but what appears to be correct, useful, substantible and reasonable. I've seen people get caught up in the scenario you describe. Some of their experiences were as you detail, some worse, some better. So what were the differences? Why did any of the differences manifest differently? Why was Cayce so consistent and positive, helpful and educational? Same for Dawn? The quality of her work is evidenced in Atlin. What did they do that others did not? One concept that keeps me steady is the idea of One Mind manifesting in or through seeming infinite numbers of individuals. Mind is independent of the physical. So it is conceivable individual consciousnesses exist both within and without physical embodiment. This idea has been well established by mainstream medicine during heart transplants. There most definitely is something to all this. What is it? Nothing strange in the idea of unattached consciousnesses unless we be materialists or we have preconceived notions as are evidenced in some religious traditions and from the plethora of contemporary writings on the subject. My approach has been to set aside anything and everything other people say on whatever subject I'm investigating. This means I'll explore what they say but not buy it (pig in a poke) until it fits in with everything else I can find on the topic. It's gotta make sense and substantiated in diverse places and writings and can be fit into the growing paradigm of mind/matter that we are now calling SVP. I always hestiate to definitely label a thing preferring to gather the descriptions as best I can then if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then maybe it really is a duck...... I'll have to accept it as a duck at that point (perhaps with reservations though). Even then I reserve my judgements and acceptance. Most of what I relate concerning SVP in these areas are stories and findings or impressions of what we have been experiencing. We see people being healed around Atlin so we dig for better understanding of healing, Love, people's issues, science and physics pertaining to these. What is going on, how and why? is a question I've asked from moment one when these were first observed. What I'm advocating is not that any accept the existence of entities, spirits and the like but perhaps "There is something here that definitely is happening. Let's check it out and see what we come up with." I do not advocate any attempt communications with the Higher Realm as Steiner called it. Or the Akashic Records as Cayce called it or any of the other realms, entities, or whatever. But for all the great bodies of knowledge available we know there is something to this and we should not throw out the baby with the bath water - not in this day and age. |
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