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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Atlin Euphoria Table of Contents to this Topic |
Something extraordinary happened at the Albuquerque conference. This has happened before and I've always wondered in amazement at it. People experienced euphoria while around Atlin. They would gather around asking the usual questions about "What is it?" and such. I would have them reach out their hands and move them around feeling the energy. Some describe this energy as warm, fuzzy, soft, electric, etc. At some point with curious and reverential people waving their hands and arms feeling the energies and chatting amongst themselves this euphoria kicks in. It seems to creep up without warning and then everyone is instantly projected into laughter, fun, joy and euphoria. Magic!!! During the past eight or so years I've been watching this happen but was not able to put a finger on it. It just seemingly happened. Now we know! This morning I received and email from Dawn containing a message from both Atlin and Symael. This email is part of a series of emails between her, myself and many others as we plan the SVP workshop for Virginia in June. This workshop is to be the highest expression of spirituality we've yet ever attained. It'll be a spiritual stretch for us. So we've been conversing all over the place of how to achieve this for the participants. Atlin and Symael spoke AS ONE with one voice, to Dawn and among other things presented six points for consideration. Upon reading and rereading these six points I realized these are the elements that go to create the "Atlin Euphoria" seen so many times yet so poorly understood. I'm quoting below the six points with my comments between them. Enjoy! DP In reading this message many times I noticed that what appears to happen around Atlin when the "magic" happens is indeed included in the list of "what works". I'll make some observations keyed to some of what I think I've witnessed over the years with people experiencing the "magic" around Atlin.... Dawn (Atlin/Symael) wrote: Here are some clues to what works. Spiritual activity; not lecturing. . . 1. Heart-centered activity DP: This happens when people notice their heart chakra being stimulated when near Atlin. So many people mention it it is obviously one of the salient points. I usually encourage people to "look" at their hearts and they respond "Yes, I feel it." Indeed, there is rarely lecturing around Atlin and never any lecturing around her when the "magic happens". 2. Physical activity that is creative while being reflective DP: This to me means activities like playing a musical instrument, painting, writing, drawing, singing, etc. We had a lot of this in Tulsa but not much since. Now that it is mentioned in this way this may be what I thought I was experiencing when I play with my violin near Atlin. 3. Movement of the limbs (for the development of the Will - Steiner was right) DP: A little of this movement happens around Atlin as people shift positions and move their arms around and through her field as they feel it. Sometimes their spontaneous exploratory movements look a little like Tai Chi movements. Dancing, Tai Chi, drumming? Hmmm, how to fit this into a program..... 4. Specific rhythms and sounds to solidify the patterns being formed (this is a very spiritual & ancient powerful shamanic tool: drumming, chanting, dancing). This is an expedient way to generate nonlocality. DP: Now this is interesting from a number of viewpoints. This is a great observation, Dawn! Musical movements of sounds can indeed accummulate (via additive synthesis; i.e., Fibonacci) nestings of harmonics (etheric conditions). Singing would combine several of these working principles and we all know how magnificent it feels when we sing in groups. This point also points DIRECTLY to Keely playing his violin to excite dynaspheres into motion! 5. Spiritual direction to keep the activities focused upon the Center DP: This is easy when people gather (center) around Atlin. They ask countless questions and I answer each - sometimes the answers not coming from me but through me as I and others show the newly arrived how to feel the fields and their chakra openings. There is always a sense of curiosity, wonder, fun and even joy when the etheric energies synch for an individual. 6. Educate people about SVP via experience and group discussion about what this could mean - we want them to personalize this project and its potential importance to the world. Without people contributing actively, the project lies dormant. DP: This has been going on (more or less) through the SVPForum discussions and in our private discussions among those gathered about making dynaspheres or designing and performing SVP workshops, etc. I take this to be (in part anyway) the Team Efforting we've been bumbling along with since day one. "contributing actively" by others has always been a point wanting more nurturing all through this project. Sometimes we have more and things flow better, but don't flow at all when this dries up. How can we get more people more actively involved over long periods of time??? I've tried about everything I can think of..... I think we (some of us) have been doing the above all along but perhaps too unconsciously and therefore haphazardly and without conscious Intent or focus. Maybe this workshop is a good opportunity for us to become more aware of what we've been doing unconsciously and make it more conscious (with more INTENT) and clarity of thought, purpose and focus. Thanks, Dawn, Atlin and Symael! This material, presented in this way, makes so much much clearer to me! |
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