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The Do-It-Yourself Unincorporated Business Trust |
Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: An Attack on the World is an Attack on Yourself Table of Contents to this Topic |
"The secret of salvation [Salvation from what? From your own
self-created illusions whether they be illness, guilt, shame, pain or
thinking you are something other than who you really are: an expression
of Diety; i.e., Love.] is but this: that you are doing this unto
yourself. [You've created in your own mind all that you think you are
and currently suffer from.] No matter what the form of the attack, this
still is true. Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, still
is this the truth. [There are those individuals or groups or
circumstances "raised up" (by self's own inner creation efforts) in our
dreamland illusion to prove to us we are correct in our assessments of
who we think we are. Thus demonstrating to us we are Creators of our
own worlds.] Whatever seems to be the cause of any pain and suffering
you feel, this is still true. For you would not react at all to figures
in a dream you knew that you were dreaming. Let them be as hateful and
as vicious as they may, they could have no effect on you unless you
failed to recognize it is your dream. [Stop and look dispassionately
upon your own creation as your own. The attacker (sickness, enemies,
etc.) are not doing it to you. You are doing it to yourself to teach
yourself you are author of the scenario being acted out for your more
whole understanding. And when you do this to yourself you ARE THE
ATTACKER.] This single lesson [Realizing you are sole author of your life.] learned will set you free from suffering, whatever form it takes. The Holy Spirit [Your Higher Self, Cosmic Awareness, Whole Mind.] will repeat this one inclusive lesson of deliverance until it has been learned, regardless of the form of suffering that brings you pain. [Ever notice you encounter the same scenarios time and again?] Whatever hurt you bring to Him He [Your Whole Mind which can be accessed via the quietness during meditation, deep contemplation or prayer.] will make answer with this very simple truth. For this one answer takes away the cause of every form of sorrow and of pain. [The Cause being your own self-created illusions being a product of your egoic mind.] The form affects His answer not at all, for He would teach you but the single cause of all of them [you], no matter what their form. And you will understand that miracles [perceived effects from an unpreceived causes] reflect the simple statement, "I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo." Bring, then, all forms of suffering to Him Who knows that every one is like the rest. He sees no differences where none exists, and He will teach you how each one is caused. None has a different cause from all the rest, and all of them are easily undone [healed] by but a [this same] single lesson truly learned. Salvation is a secret you have kept but from yourself. The universe proclaims it so. Yet to its witnesses you pay no heed at all. For they attest the thing you do not want to know. They seem to keep it secret from you. Yet you need but learn you chose but not to listen, not to see. [Egoic willfulness of blaming someone else or something else instead of assuming complete personal responsibility for self's thoughts and actions.] How differently will you perceive the world when this is recognized! [You will be awake!] When you forgive the world your guilt, [The guilt you feel against yourself and that you project onto the world. Your guilt, shame, pain and suffering is an attack by you against yourself as a form of self-incrimination or self-condemnation.] you will be free of it. [The first and last freedom!] Its innocence does not demand your guilt, [You making yourself guilty does not substantiate the world's innocence.] nor does your guiltlessness rest in its sins. [Nor are you made innocent by blaming someone else or the world.] This is the obvious; a secret kept from no one but yourself. And it is this that has maintained you separate from the world, and kept your brother separate from you. [We blame others and the world and that somehow justifies our pious standoffishness which is an attack against them.] Now need you but to learn that both of you are innocent or guilty. The one thing that is impossible is that you be unlike each other; that they both be true. [Innocence and guilt are both illusory egoic constructs but it is the situation encountered that is a neutral teacher for both participants, created equally by each for each's growth.] This is the only secret yet to learn. [This is the only secret knowledge ever needing learning.] And it will be no secret you are healed." [When this knowledge is learned it will shine from your face for all the world to behold.] A Course In Miracles, annotations by Dale Pond 9/16/02 Let's look at this dynamic again. You are correct - no one is really "broken". For our purposes here we are saying the damage comes in when a person says, thinks or believes they are broken. Then, of course, their bodies or life circumstances will eventually prove to them they are correct - they will manifest something as "broken", ill, damaged, diseased or corrupted in some way. So the base-line issue is how one sees themselves even though this "seeing" may be subconscious, unconscious or some deep deep memory. But it is more dynamic than that. If one feels guilty about something (the guilt is only a personal assignment about self) that feeling then becomes "embedded" in latent mind as memory (Cayce's "skein of time") which eventually merges into the body or life events as an inharmonic influence disrupting the orderly and harmonious flow of inter-etheric (mental) and etheric (so-called spiritual) forces. As the material ALWAYS follows the dominance of the mental and spiritual forces, the material manifestation will show those abberant forces as disorderly, cancer, sickness, psychosis, etc. The solution, IMHO, is to WILL any thoughts of a negative nature out of mind by paying them no heed, giving them no importance or relevance. When they appear in one's thoughts, simply let them go - giving them no importance. Say to yourself something like "I don't need that any more." Put them behind thee! Do not dwell on them no matter how tempting or how apprehensive we may feel if "we neglect the serious aspects of life". Begin looking for Higher Views such as beautiful music, stunning landscapes, happy people. Look outside of self! What the intent here to do is to replace an old habit of thinking negative thoughts (worrying) with positive thoughts. It is ONLY a habit of thinking we need change. Sometimes we get so lost in our negative worrying patterns (habits) we may need a bit of help to begin refocusing outward with Life and others. Sometimes an encouraging word from another is all it takes to begin the shift. Another thing I've noticed that really helps and is therefore more or less essential is when we see a supposed confirmation of our negative feelings about self - DENY IT any validity. That part is the illusion, the effect, of our negative thinking. Those confirmations are simply the "proof" we are right. That being the case - then think positive and watch for confirmations of those. Build on these positive feedbacks, line upon line, until they become your new reality. You are creating a new habit. That is all. Other things one can do is be around positive people, shunning the negative people and situations. Be around successful people. Read about them, talk about them. This is one of the supposed benefits of reading the Bible and other inspirational works because we can read about spiritually successful (happy and successful) people. There are many not included in the Bible. Seek all of them out and begin to train yourself to think like they think. Act like they act, be like them. Eventually you will be. This about the attacker. The attacker is you when you make negative judgements about self. You are attacking your self by condemning self, judging self, etc. This attack is always projected onto the world at large. It is a difficult concept to grasp but I feel this is the key we have been missing or denying. We could retitle this thread: An Attack on Yourself is an Attack on the World. How is this so? How can this be? You create your universe IN YOUR MIND (on whatever level). Therefore should you attack yourself with grief, shame or guilt the world will do the same because the world always proves to you you are right. When you attack yourself with self-condemnation so will the world attack you. You created your world by your mind in your mind - you are your world and your world is you. Since you only exist in your mind an attack can only be on that mind. And since your world is in your mind you attack your world. The world is an omni-dimensional mirror and it will do back to you what you do to it. Love self and your world will love you. Love the world and it will love you back. -- |
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