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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: America Table of Contents to this Topic |
Up until a short time ago America and Americans (in general) were very much admired around the world. Having traveled in foreign countries I often encountered this sentiment. This admiration has tarnished recently. This because people erroneously assume Americans are their government. The so-called government has not and does not represent the American people or those ideals that made America what it was. Perhaps nowdays with the internet more people around the world are beginning to see and understand this. America is not the only target of the NWO. When "America" whimiscally bombs another nation people are beginning to see it is not America at all but it is the deranged insanity of those who've seized power over our government and act contrary to all civil decency. The problem with this whole scenario is most Americans still cling to the lie their government represents them. Or they still believe in the lies that government brainwashes them with. Fortunately many are waking up to the ughly truth. Yes, individual Americans can be ughly with poor social graces but we are beginning to see the government is the ughliest of ughlies. There are times recently I am ashamed to be an American. The reasons for being proud have been diminishing lately. Then on the other hand there are countless Americans waking up with an ideal to bring correction to the situation. Correction is happening but with so much momentum built up it may be awhile before we see any actual change in direction. Things will most likely get ughlier in the short term before they get better for the long term. What is empowering to think of is the "American Spirit". It is still active, still powerful and still discernible. This Spirit, embodied in the people, is truly extraordinary in terms of generosity, creativity, liveliness, industry, charitable, helpful and the like. Inspite of all the restrictions placed upon us as a people by conspiratorial agendas, devalued currency, false treaties, fascist laws and all the rest this spirit still lives. It is but asleep for the most part. However it is awakening in direct proportion to the troubles and difficulties accumulating upon us. This spirit is the same spirit that actuates everyone everywhere. America had an advantage in its youth of developing without limitations which freed that spirit in ways not possible in older more "in the rut" countries tied down by traditions, culture, etc. Interestingly this spirit is being awakened world-wide by Americans. Not by their government which apparently seeks to damp that spirit. Americans are leading the charge so to speak in awakening themselves and all who seek to follow. None are more sensitive to lost freedoms and denied rights than Americans because we have had a taste of freedom more so than others. The internet, developed in America, and extended to the rest of the world is an American invention and development firmly anchored in our First Amendment rights of Free Speech. And through Free Speech we are informing ourselves and everyone else on every conceivable topic. This capability is now in most other countries. The internet is doing an end-run around the propaganda machinations that have kept everyone believing they are asleep. To awaken means to become more aware and that is what is happening in every country around the world. Ironically the internet was in part initially developed by the American military, space programs and universities, as a means of control. It didn't become anything great or liberating until actual American people got onto it. Their desire for the internet and their money to support that desire created the hardware and software industries without which the internet would not be what it is today. Just as the article indicated Americans are derived from all other countries. Americans are now going back to all other countries - in spirit and awareness. It is not that Americans are so great. They are just people. It is the Spirit, liberated from restraints of living in the past, that is great. And this Spirit knows no political, religious or cultural boundaries. It is a global human thing and it is awakening. |
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