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Topic: Dale Pond
Collected Articles Section: Activating Your Creativity Table of Contents to this Topic |
2003, 07/25 Following along on our discussion of creativity I was wondering about the last phrase of this quote: "Your mental vision expands as higher truths filter into your consciousness, and you come to the certainty that through clarity of desire, focused intent and positive action you have the power to create anything you can envision. Gradually, as you learn the infallibility of the universal laws of manifestation, your excitement grows and you are willing to attune your will with the Creator's Will." Archangel Michael What does it mean by "your excitement grows and you are willing to attune your will with the Creator's Will."? Cayce said this alignment or attunement is something like this: ". . . But whom the Lord would exalt, He first brings low that they may know the strength is of the Lord and not in hosts but the still small voice that beareth witness with thy soul, thy spirit, that ye walk that straight and narrow way that leadeth to understanding. And in saving those of thy own shortcomings, ye find ye have been lifted up." Cayce (165-26) And again in Dialogue on Awakening another perspective: "Where does the healing of the world take place? When your mind again is seen as whole. The instant you look into a brother's eyes and see your Self reflected there. When your whole mind is known by you to mean every mind, all minds merged as One, the world will instantly change. It will be healed because you will see it to be so. You will have changed the cause by healing the thought of being separate from the Mind of God. The effect of then seeing only the world of God's Perfection is instantaneous. With the misperceived thought now gone, cause and effect have become the same. In your place of knowing, you resonate with the truth of what I am saying. Yet even now your ego will stand in dispute, asking how it could be possible for you to heal your mind and thereby heal all the world. On this detail have you laid the foundation for your belief in separation. It is from this belief all other misperceptions of truth seem verified. For it is from here you have become convinced that you are a product of the world's creation, subject to all its laws and influence. You believe you are the effect and not the cause. What is it like to be enlightened or awake? It is when you see only God as cause and effect being you expressing Him wholly. You will no longer feel the need to see your mind as separately identified within the whole Mind, but you will feel its presence there and you will recognize your Self in it. Fear of any nature becomes unknown. Joy abounds with every thought as Love is once again remembered. The bonding that takes place, that jells the mind as a whole, is this Love. It is not an exclusive expression of love you experience within your state of limitation. Here is God expressed. And His Love makes no distinctions. I have referred to a concept I describe as the power of One, the power that results from individual expressions of the Infinite Mind as they come into recognition of their absolute unity - the inifinite expression of wholeness, or One. It is this truth when fully grasped that will allow you to recognize yourself individually in the whole, as the whole, expressing the whole and coincidentally being wholly, uniquely you." [Dialogue on Awakening, pages 3-4] Then are we unwilling to see ourselves as Unity? Are we so enamored with separation and isolation of our egos? Sure, yes we are. As we learn we are creative through nothing more than our thinking processes there comes an excitement, a joy, a hope and a clarity that these thoughts of separation are meaningless. We are excited to join in with LIFE as a creative and causitive power within it - instead of a helpless victim of things and events "out there". In these realizations one is fired by a desire to dive into Life and be a part of it. It is this readiness and willingness to participate in Life as cause that is being referred to. So... "What is Life? GOD! - in action with thy fellowman!" Cayce (793-2) Alignment/attunement with Life then is alignment/attunement with God. |
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